Depression, anxiety, grief…life…these things can all get in the way of our creativity. Or, just maybe, they are the lived experiences we need in order to create in the first place. I’m sorry for your loss, it isn’t easy to live life without the ones who truly know us! Thanks for sharing such depth of heart with us, it’s an honor to read your words.

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Thank you Spencer🙏🏽

My depression and anxiety has stepped in the way multiple times when I try to create. Last year, I learned to keep going even when I'm hurting. When I paint and write, I can't avoid those feelings and memories. I accept them as they come but I realized that perhaps I need them more than I know. Almost like messages.

I know my friend wouldn't want me to quit now because I've come so far.

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I’m not crying, you’re crying 😩😩😩😂🥹 ok I am crying. I don’t know why but I read this article backwards and then foreword. So much to feel. I appreciate you for keeping it so real.

I’m glad you found your way back to the heart of your ART and honour the memories of your Muse.

I’m inspired and encouraged.

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Reading it backwards? Whew😮‍💨

I know I'm gonna cry hard if I do that.

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Grief is such a tricky bastard, but this was a beautiful tribute to him. You all's love, friendship, and shared creativity shines through your words here.Thank you for sharing with us and I'm sure he'd damn proud of the artist you are now.

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Yes, thank you so much Ashleigh. I believe that he's proud of me too.🥰

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Jun 19Liked by Alex B

Didn't know Dre, but the feeling of loss is a familiar one, I'm sure we can all agree. Yet, even through the downpour, the sun finds a way to peek through, sometimes a little dimmer, sometimes even brighter.

Alex B, my friend, my fellow artist – I'm so incredibly proud of you. Not for the accolades or the shows (though those are impressive, no doubt!). It's the introspection, the willingness to delve deep, that will fuel your artistic growth in ways you can't even imagine. We've had these conversations, and I see the Queen rising within you. Much love and respect.

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LL we were DEEP in our conversations at 8am 😮‍💨! I felt so much and needed that. Thank you so much for the love and creating a space where I can be vulnernable. 🖤🙏🏽🥰

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I’m crying in bed. This is your best work. Dre loves it. I know he does.

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Thanks, Boo. I was editing it yesterday and found myself crying again. But thank you so much for taking the time to read it. 🖤🙏🏽

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No thank you for sharing this with us

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